So, because the Central American Yooper Report is going Google, then I thought it my duty to do the same. I will chronicle my life in the pages of a Google blog, the thoughts and situations of a Michigander/Yooper/Yankee living in the Appalachian foothills. It will be quite a change... most of you know that we lived there before for 5 years... but that was a bit different. We were living on campus and going to college. Now, we will live like normal people... in town and working like we all do. And we have kids this time... so life will be completely different than before.
Our jobs seem like they will be perfect for us, and my mom and sister live about 20 minutes away... and my niece. She is Alia's age and they all love to play together. ALL the kids are SO excited to be living close and be able to play together. That sure makes it that much easier to move, when the kids are excited!
Ah life... what an adventure. Stink about the latest house stuff. We will be praying that everything works out well soon (or that it will burn to the ground while you guys are away).
burning is good... insurance is good...
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