Saturday, July 26, 2008

The good, the bad, the ______________

Well, I don't know how to shorten this up, but I am gonna try.

The people flatly refused to meet Shannon. (But she's so cute!!???...). So, we decided to try to buy the house outright. When we were wheelin' and dealin' with them, they said the purchase price would be $110k when we sell our house, after the lease is up. So, we offered them $95k... just to let them make a counter offer.

Well, they countered... their offer? $110k.

So, we offered $100k and please pay the the closing costs b/c we don't have the cash for that AND a down payment. They thought about it for about an hour and got back to us.

Their counter... $110k. AND, if they pay the closing, then it will be $112,500! So, they wanted us to FINANCE the closing costs! 

So, we are finished with them. No house is worth this much trouble.

Then, Shannon found the perfect house... and it is $20k cheaper than the one we were dickering over... so she put in a bid and now we are waiting, again.

On the plus side, my house is a wreck and all I see when I look at stuff is, "how will that fit in a box?". I dream about boxes... 

Matt Agee brought Mackenzie and Ian over to swim in the pool tonight and help move some stuff. When Mackenzie was done swimming, she went to stand up, lost her balance, hit her teeth on the metal support bar and busted off the inside of both her front teeth. She has a half-moon hole in her two front teeth! They are her permanent teeth, too... what a shame... 

I am disconnecting my 'puter on Sunday to box it up... I am afraid! I CAN'T UNPLUG!!!!


(of the Ohio River...)


ottO said...

Its true you couldn't unplug the computer! I had to do it...ah, the sacrifices I am forced to make for friends.

Lisa (Harju) Richards said...

Hope you are doing well and know that you are loved and missed by us Hurley folk. The blog is such a fun way to keep up with you! Take care!

Joimaki said...

Hey My Friend!
I am finally plugged in. I'm missing you guys. What is up with the house? I'll e-mail later n and give you a phone number down here so you can call if you are daring enough. BTW your skype will work also.