Saturday, November 15, 2008

Opening Day

Yea... you guys know what it is... Opening Day!
But, alas, I am not in Michigan, so it doesn't really matter... LOL

Around here, they don't understand missing school for Deer Day. How could they?

Instead, it was 55 here yesterday and last night, so I slept with the window open so I could hear the rain tap on my sill... nice...

And me and my mom have been clearing out all the overgrown shrubbery from around my house, and all the ivy... actually I did all that a couple weeks ago... it was crazy out of control. So, I got the chainsaw and went at it... I also used it to trim the hedges. It was pretty dangerous, but, hey, I don't have any hedge trimmers.

So, now me and mom carried bucket after bucket up my hill/front lawn to where the hedges where and filled it in with the best compost you have ever seen, from my sisters place. (She just makes the best compost...) Now we are gonna plant flowers in the back, and along the side we are gonna put asparagus and rhubarb, and then dig up some of my side lawn for a garden next year. Like she said, we are "displaced farmers". My shoes are covered with compost.

The YMCA had a Princess Dance tonight that ended with a special Daddy-Dance... it was precious. Pics later.

Shannon's dad is going down hill; I wouldn't expect him to last a lot longer... pray for her/him/us.

Kids are great, excellent, wonderful... Shannon and I have looked at pics of the Northland and wonder why we came here. I just read starlajane's blog and wondered why I am not hiking the North Country Trail myself... then I remember that I didn't hike it when I lived there... so why would this year be any different! LOL! Anyway, missing the Northland... I got on youtube, of all places, to find video of Lake Superior. I definitely miss BIG WATER. Or any water other than tap water, for that matter.

Hope all is well out there...

btw, they call this place Death Valley for all the allergies, sickness and cancer that everyone gets here... why did you guys make us move here? Just wondering...

1 comment:

Joimaki said...

We miss it lots too and everyone there. As for big water, well we are able to walk to the Pacific ocean from our house, so at least we have that covered :) Miss you guys! When are you coming for a visit???