Sunday, October 19, 2008

Vacation over

Well, it is the last day of my Fall break. With "year-round" school here, we get a break every nine weeks, and then a shorter summer. I knew of this break before we moved here and I have been looking forward to it ever since I got here! It has been so stressful and troublesome since we arrived, I really wanted to plan to do SOMETHING for the break! But, alas, I frittered it away, sick and tired.

At one point I wanted to go up North (Tawas) and see friends and family. That didn't work out... I thought I might start an EMT class that would meet 3 times a week until Christmas. This is something I had been wanting to do for a long time so I thought it might be the time. I enrolled and then thought about it... "if I have this much time and money (which I don't) then I need to be doing something else with it than take a class I don't need". SO, I dropped it after the first meeting.

Then I got sick and slept half the time for about 3 days. Then, Friday I felt better and cleaned a bunch of shrubs out from around my house, which was great! It felt good to have a bit of energy and get some yard work done. After that, I was exhausted. Yesterday all of us and all my sister's family went to Columbus to the zoo. That was fun, but it was a long day and it was obviously too soon for me to be that busy b/c I am sick again! Tomorrow I go back to school and I don't want to... I feel like I wasted my week's vacation and that is very frustrating. 

However, the kids have had a great time being with us and with Grandma and playing outside and sleeping with daddy and all that fun kids stuff... so that is a bright light in my week. 

Me and Raymond (Kelly's hubby) went kayaking and fishing one day last week, right when I was starting to get sick the first time. It was nice and I enjoyed it, but it is not the Northland, that's for sure. I have lots of aches and pains and life is really getting me down.... 

About 3 weeks ago I ran a road race. It was great fun and I did better than I thought I would, but I pulled some muscle or tendon right at my hip somewhere and I haven't been able to run since! I don't get it... I can run about 30 yards, then it feels like a screwdriver in my hip joint. If it was just an ache or pain, I would run through it, but it makes me limp and I have to lean on stuff to walk. SO, I am not running. (again). (Again, again, again).

Me and Shannon are thinking about joining the YMCA. I could lift there and swim and the kids could play and have a great time. So, I think that might be the way to go for my exercise. I could walk, but I can't stand it, so I don't.

Well, I am planing on going camping in two weeks. I sure hope it works out... I need some WW time... Woods and Water!

I know most people don't think this is "city living" but it sure is for me... and I don't really care for it. We are on a busy street and our front steps are one sidewalk width from the busy street. When the kids go out the front door, we gotta go in front of them and "herd" them to the van so they don't stumble into the street. Our driveway barely fits both of our vehicles; I scrapped the side of my truck on the cement blocks lining my driveway a couple weeks ago. Our back yard is small, but the kids can play and it is all fenced in, so there are no worries there. I got the swing set up and there is a little tree that Nathan loves to climb in... they have  a great time in the back yard... so that is great.

Anyway, I hate getting on here and filling it up with woes, but I gotta be honest... I haven't found a lot that I enjoy here at all... I am keeping a good attitude, for the most part. Our family is doing well; the kids are adjusting and me and Shannon are putting all our efforts into them and keeping everything wonderful for them. But, personally, all I do is school work. Same with Shannon... there is too much to do with school. I am trying to find a hobby or a friend or something to split up the time (that was one thought with EMT school), but so far, nothing. There are no guy friends here that I have found yet. I want to find a place to "hang out" sort of, but I am not much of a "hang out" guy... so I don't know how that will work.

I need to find the local music store and a good coffee shop. I have played my guitar a bit, and am making more time for that. That is a needed thing... but I don't do it much. I have been spending time in the Word. Good times in the mornings for me... but lacking the sleep takes it's toll, too. I get up at 5, shower, and read for about a half hour. The kids are up by 6 and then we snuggle on the couch for a while. That is a great way to start the day. They look forward to it and so do I. But I gotta have an "out" somewhere... I feel like my days are dark and closed in... not good. I was just telling Shannon that I wish I could just go over to Joe's and sit with some java and talk about life. Maybe we could go for a drive, or watch a game, or chat about the Lord... something... but, it wouldn't matter if I was back in Ironwood or here, pretty much everyone is gone anyway.

Shannon has been dealing with the same feelings. We know why we moved here, and it had to do with family. The kids love being near grandma and their cousin... I like being near my sister and grandma and all them... it is great. It is something that we hoped for for many years. On the flip side, however, that is our whole social circle. We have no friends, no goals (except to get done with school), no projects... and that is not a healthy place to live. Somehow I gotta get myself out of this funk and find what I want to do here. 

The church we go to is nice, but it is a very old church. There are very few people our age... probably 70-80% of the church is retirement age. There are a couple families in our Sunday School class that seem nice enough, but no one that I would really try to culture a friendship with. The youth group is basically non-existent... I mentioned being interested in working with the youth group, and the current youth leader thought that might work out... but that was the end of it. No ones fault, there just hasn't been any more talk about it for about 2 months. We are not making it to church every Sunday anyway, so I am sure that plays a part.

So, I wish this vacation would not have slipped by... but it has. I wish I had a friend here... but none yet. Sure, there are a couple guys I talk to at work or church, but that's it... very surface... you know the type. Nice guys, but no relationship. Probably my fault more than anything... I am pretty picky about friends, I guess.

I didn't plan on writing this much... I think, for the first time in this blog, I am concerned about what my readers will think of me... but that sort of defeats the purpose of a blog, eh? (Yea... I get teased about "eh" too... they all say, "I thought only Canadians said that... you're not Canadian". I can't even seem to transplant correctly...

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