Monday, October 13, 2008

Man... again, I don't know where to begin. I will only make it short this time.

Jobs are not any easier, but a bit more organized. Kids are doing great... adjusting well and liking school. It is nice to see family a lot; we are spending time with Kelly (my sister and her family) pretty much every week. Usually my mom comes and spend a couple days a week on our couch, so that is sure nice to visit with her.

That's really all we do... school and family. I finally got my puter set up the way I want it... I have a printer hooked up now... just got it figured out yesterday. I got Otto's HUGE-MAN desk in my basement... it barely fits, but it is awesome. I didn't realize that the basement floor was unlevel until the whole desk was up. So, I had to get some large tools and pry it up and stick some wood under it to level it out. I got it, tho. Found my wireless router so now me and Shannon have our puters up and running. That's nice. Had to go buy a new office chair b/c I gave my other one to Matt Agee... couldn't fit it in the truck. :)

Still SO much organizing to do, but we can handle it. We are living in our home just fine now. Still some pockets of mess in the basement (it is a finished basement with our TV and puters) but we can deal with it.

I guess that's about it. I still want to go back and try to fill in the blanks of all the move... but I don't know how to do that. It was so convoluted and crazy... I don't know how I didn't lose my mind. I think, honestly, the only reason I didn't was that I had Nathan with me and had to be strong and collected for him. It was all I could do to keep him "settled", if that is what you can call it. But he is a trooper, as always. His life started out with him needing to be tough and he is. He gets upset about some simple things, but when it comes to being strong, he is strong. 

And Alia is a princess... a drama queen extrodinaire, but a princess, nonetheless. She is so sweet and cuddly... and squishy.

Looked through a bunch of pics of the UP last night... waterfalls, snowshoeing, Lake of the Clouds, fall colors, the Porkys... and Shannon said, "tell me again why we moved here, away from all that?"

I had to think....

OH YEA... family. To be near family. Gotta keep telling myself that.

Love to all who love.

1 comment:

Joimaki said...

Make sure you go over a lot of snow pictures throughout the months of February, March, April and a few more in May and you will be reminded of why you decided to move.

DUDE! what the heck. I miss you. give me a shout on iChat. It's a free phone call you know. I'll email you again today. Love you all.