Saturday, September 13, 2008

Southern and Fried

I wouldn't know how to begin to sum up everything we have been through the last few weeks. I can safely say that packing my house and moving was probably the worst thing I ever experienced in my life. I am not sure if my father's death was worse or not... jury's still out on that one. Safe to say that if it wasn't for the help of a lot of people, some of who will never read this, there is NO way I could have done it. THANK YOU to all who helped SO much... Otto and Laura, Lisa, Larry, Travis and Chrisy, Matt and Brenda, and others that I can't think of right away.

I just got internet a couple days ago. I didn't have much email... so that's was nice. I can't check my email at school, nor can I get on the internet very much at all... I can't check blogs or anything. (funny how they want a person to work at school... crazy Rebs.)

Let me try to sum up... but I will have to get more detailed another time...

We spent 4 weeks in a rented trailer. There was two rooms, so me and Nathan slept together and Shannon and Alia slept together, at opposite ends of the trailer. All we had was a couple mattresses on the floors, our deck furniture for the living room. There was a small table in the "kitchen" but I just ate in my Barcha-lounger, which I made sure to bring to the trailer so I had a place to sit.... I'm such a panzee...

We moved into our house on the w/e of Labor Day. We have boxes everywhere. Our house is smaller than the one we left, so we don't have room for all our stuff. So we are trying to figure out what to get rid of... mostly kids toys. :)

I have lots of stories of how things went wrong ever since we left, but I don't want to sound like I am in poor spirits... so that will have to come out in time. Several things have gone right, also. We are all healthy, our kids are in good schools, we are closer to my family, My mom stays here quite a bit and we and the kids love it... so there are lots of positives.

That's enough for now... can't wait to hear from some old friends. 

Love to all... God's speed in all your lives. I am reading some Xangas... nice to at least pretend that we are all close again... lol.


1 comment:

Joimaki said...

Hey buddy! I've been wondering how you guys are doing. Thanks for the update. We are hanging in down here. I just posted some new pics on my Xanga. Miss you and the fam.
talk to you soon,