Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hot days are comin', I think...

Well, I suppose I am feeling a lot better this weekend.

I guess I got a good dose of life and friends and that's about what it took.

A wonderful friend from my college days got ahold of me about a month or two ago and it was great to catch up. Then, about 3 weeks ago I drove up to the Hillsboro, OH, are and visited him and his family. He is starting a dairy farm and has a great little place. Then, this weekend, our whole family went up there and spent a couple nights. I drove the kids (as well as my mom) around in their big tractor, a 150 HP Deutz-Allis.

The picture isn't "thier" tractor, but it is exactly the same, and theirs looks just about as good. It was lots of fun.

Then me and Troy (my friend) had to unload a wagonload of hay and put it up in his barn. That was great fun, too. I did a lot of that work when I was a teenager and early 20's, and I miss it. The kids had a wonderful time with their dog, Floppy, a Basset-Beagle named for obvious reasons. And Nathan and Alia took off exploring all through thier unplowed fields. They were having a wonderful time petting the cows and running as far as they could stand without worrying about cars or people or anything. I was wonderful to see.

And Nathan decided that he loves running. He ran more on Saturday than he has all year put together. Which is great because there was a time when we were very concerned that he had breathing or chest problems. Every time he would run a few yards he would complain about chest pains. But I think he ran about 2 or 3 miles total on Saturday and there was not any problems at all. His new saying was like this:

Nathan: "Are we going back up to the barn?"
Dad: "Yes"
Nathan: "Are you walking all the way there?"
Dad: "Yes"
Nathan: "Well, I'll be running."

Then we'd be going to the pond or something... "Well, I'll be running." He is so funny.

Then today at home I got a lot of work done. Mowed my grass (again... 3rd time this year already). It was 92 degrees. Then I busted up the rest of the sod for my garden area. I was using a shovel, but then I found my sister's maddox, or pick-axe, or whatever you want to call it. So, I spent about an hour and broke all that up. Then went for a run... didn't wanna run too far with the bad heat and me not being used to it yet, so I ran a couple miles, ssssllloooowwwww. -ly.

THEN, went out and bought some petunias for my flower boxes on my front porch. Then, just put in some laundry and chilled out till Shannon brought home Papa Johns.. which was a great supper after a great day.

So, we'll see if I can keep up on this blog better nowadays. I think I am over the funk of being here and not up North... not completely, mind you... but feeling better about things. It has not been an easy adjustment, but with good weekends like this with good friends, things might start lookin' up.